Cartoomb Studios was created by Jacob Borg to bring classic animation techniques and the modern together. With modern animation, longer, more detailed products have been able to be produced at a lower cost than the more traditional style of animating by hand. While the classic technique takes longer, it has a charm and personal touch that have been lost with the new techniques clinical approach.
Cartoomb is reconnecting family with entertainment. Family-owned studios no longer lead the charge in animation innovation or stories, and Cartoomb is looking to change that by incorporating family and storytelling into every aspect of the business, including the branding.
Cartoomb Studios’ branding is inspired by the childhoods of Launa and J Wilson. The siblings grew up during the Great Depression, and with that came the determination to survive. While their parents worked in a local hair salon and grocery store, Launa and J worked at the local theater as dancers and hunted for each evening’s dinner in the local cemeteries on their way home each night.
This story is not happy, but it is the story of a family coming together and working hard in the face of adversity to beat all odds and survive. This family would survive the Great Depression, and while they would face even more adversity during World War II, they stayed strong and fought for each other.
Even in a place of dread, family can come together and find hope and life.